Ils ont fait le Canada

Voir ce qui se trouve dans le numéro de janvier 2014 de Kayak: Navigue dans l’histoire du Canada.

Mis en ligne le 10 janvier 2014

This issue is all about how Canada was created. Learn more about the Fathers of Confederation and how they made our country happen.

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What could be more Canadian than hockey? We look at the big game that led to Confederation. The coach? Sir John A. Macdonald, of course!

Read about Mercy Coles, daughter of one of the men at the meeting, who missed most of the excitement because she fell sick. Find out what happened after 1867 and how the other provinces and territories joined Canada. Discover the story of Joey Smallwood, who brought Newfoundland into Confederation in 1949.

And there’s lots more in this issue of Kayak!

Offrez l’histoire en cadeau !

Le magazine Kayak: Navigue dans l’histoire du Canada est publié quatre fois par année en version numérique.

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